Friday, October 30, 2015

Spooky Halloween Music..."Ghost of John"

I'm sure you've heard the song, Ghost of John at your home...
 Don't worry. They're just waiting for the wind chimes to wake them up
from their Ghost of John sleep... :)

Check out this video below to hear and see the magic that is this song...


Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Kindergarten Plays "Five Little Pumpkins!"

The Kindergarten classes have been learning a fun song for Halloween called, Five Little Pumpkins. We learned the song first by listening to the short book. After getting the words down, we sat in five lines with 5 real pumpkins in the front of each line. As each part of the song came up, each student sitting in front of their pumpkin would sing their part as a short solo, this was a lot of fun! :) Finally, we put the song on the Orff instruments for the first time. Students learned how to play glissandi on their instruments when they sang the different numbers in the song. The kindergartners were very excited about this, because it was their first experience playing the beautiful instruments in music! 

Here is a short video of Mrs. Shoemake's classes singing and playing their Orff instruments for Five Little Pumpkins. :)
Happy Halloween too!  

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Monday, October 12, 2015

Welcome to Music Class at Meadow View


Ms. Clark's Music Blog at Meadow View Elementary School is called, MDV Music in Motion. Our music blog at MDV will be a great way for me to communicate to parents and the students alike.

Please subscribe to to get new posts to see what is happening in the MDV Music Room! :)